
What is the Rice Purity Test?

The Rice Purity Test is like a quiz that helps you see how innocent or experienced you are based on your past actions.

How do I take the Rice Purity Test?

To take the test, just go to our website, ricepuritytest.org, and click on “Take the Test.” Answer the questions honestly.

Is the Rice Purity Test accurate?

The test gives a general idea, but it’s not perfect because it depends on your honest answers.

What is the purpose of the Rice Purity Test?

It’s mostly for fun and talking about experiences. Some people use it to see how they’ve changed over time.

Is the Rice Purity Test suitable for all ages?

It’s mainly made for adults, so be careful if you’re younger because some questions might not be appropriate.

Can I share my Rice Purity Test results with others?

You can, but you don’t have to. Your score is private unless you want to tell someone.

What is a “Rice Purity Score”?

Your Rice Purity Score is a number that shows how much life experience you’ve had. Lower numbers mean more experiences.

Can I retake the Rice Purity Test?

Yes, you can take it as many times as you want. Your score might change as you have more experiences.

Is the Rice Purity Test a scientific assessment?

No, it’s just for fun and thinking about your life. It’s not a serious scientific test.

Are the questions on the Rice Purity Test appropriate?

The questions cover different parts of life. Some might be a bit personal, so be ready for that.